Our fax number is (715) 536-9063opens phone dialer.
You will need the full 9-digit savings account number or the full 14-digit checking account number, along with the routing number.
Mobile deposits made Monday – Friday between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm will be reviewed and processed the same business day. Mobile deposits made after 4:00 pm Monday – Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays will be processed on the next business day.
Your debit card will work until the last day of the month that it is set to expire. A replacement card will be mailed to you mid-month of the last month, to your address on file with Park City Credit Union. If you change your address, please visit any PCCU branch and verify we have the most current address.
No, please call (715) 536-8351opens phone dialer to have your account(s) reset or unlocked.
If your eStatements are not showing up on your current browser, try using a different web browser. If you’re still experiencing technical issues with other browsers, please call (715) 536-8351opens phone dialer.
All of our hours of operation at our locations are available and listed here.
Holiday closures will be listed on the main page of our website (as an “alert”) as they occur. Closures are also listed on the Park City Credit Union locations page. You can call us any time regarding closures at (715) 536-8351opens phone dialer.
Information regarding lost or stolen cards can be found here.
For credit cards, we ask that you call (715) 536-8351 opens phone dialerand report it immediately.
For debit cards, we ask that you call (800) 383-8000opens phone dialer and report it immediately.
Through the Park City mobile app you can also temporarily lock a lost/stolen card 24/7.
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