There are a lot of ways that you can use your phone to get the most out of your PCCU membership. Read on to learn about our Text Banking and informational services!
You can receive banking information and alerts by signing up for our Text Banking service!
You can enroll in Text Banking by hovering over the ‘Go Mobile’ button on the It’sMe247 toolbar. Then click Text Banking to access the enrollment screens.
After enrollment, text commands to IM247 (46247). Your mobile phone carrier may charge you standard text messaging fees
Be sure to leave a space between commands.
You can create alerts similar to your standard eAlerts.
Be sure to leave a space between commands.
Do you have a question about our products and services? Send us a text! Our team members are standing by to give you the answers you’re looking for.
To protect yourself from texting fraud, please keep the following points in mind.
¹Messaging and data rates/fees may apply. Please check with your wireless carrier if you aren’t sure what fees apply when you send and receive text messages.
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