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Inversión y Jubilación

¿Está preocupado o emocionado por su futuro y su jubilación?

Personal Investments

Reach your personal investment goals with trusted, time-tested guidance. Making sense of over 7,000 mutual funds, plus thousands of annuities, insurance options, and individual securities is no small task.
Our partners can help you pare down your options to the right choices for you and your family. Contact a Registered Representative to take the first step towards a more secure, comfortable future.

Choose from a full investment portfolio:

Get help with several investment services, including:

Learn about our ABC's of money planning process:

Personal Investment ABC chart

Find dedicated service and a continued commitment

Selecting your investments is just a start to truly unparalleled personal service. You can keep tabs on the performance of your investments. And if you have any questions or your investment needs change, help is just one call away.

If you wish to schedule an appointment to discuss retirement, estate planning or a comprehensive review, call (715) 536-8351opens phone dialer or reach a member of the Park City Investment Center directly below.

Contact a Financial Professional

Jeff Konieczny

Jeff Konieczny

Rollover & Savings Representative

Perfil de Ryan Powers

Ryan Powers1

Financial Professional
Rollover & Savings Representative

Kurt Powers

Kurt Powers1

Financial Professional
Rollover & Savings Representative

1Securities offered through Packerland Brokerage Services, Inc., an unaffiliated entity. Member FINRA & SIPC. Regulated by FINRA. This communication is intended for individuals residing in the state of Wisconsin. The contents of this website do not constitute a solicitation to purchase or sell securities in other states. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident outside the specific states referenced. Jeff Konieczny is not associated with Packerland Brokerage Services. Non-bank / credit union products and securities are not insured by the FDIC/NCUA or any other federal government agency, and are not a deposit of, obligation of, or guaranteed by Park City Credit Union or Park City Investment Center located at Park City Credit Union. Investments are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of principal amount invested.

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